Case Report

Successful Treatment of Plasma Cell-Rich Acute Rejection Using Pulse Steroid Therapy Alone: A Case Report

Table 1

Previous case reports of plasma cell rich acute rejection.

ReportAge/sexCadaver/livingDiffuse/focalDiagnosis after RTx (m)TG/VR/DSAABMRMedicationOutcome

Chikamoto et al. [5]16/FLivingDiffuse20−/+/−mPSL, OKT3, DSGGraft loss
Suzuki et al. [6]59/MCadaverUnknown36−/−/NDmPSL, DSGGraft loss
Shimizu et al. [7]45/MLivingFocal18−/−/NDmPSLStable
Yoshikawa et al. [8]37/MLivingDiffuse36−/−/+ (DQ7)mPSL, PEX, IVIG, Rit, DSGWorsened
Furuya et al. [9]33/MLivingFocal12−/−/+ (DQ4, 6)+mPSL, PEX, IVIG, RitStable
Hasegawa et al. [10]30/MLivingDiffuse18+/−/+ (DR52)+mPSL, IVIG, Rit, OKT3, DSGGraft loss
Katsuma et al. [11]56/MCadaverFocal21+/−/+ (DR53)+mPSL, PEX, IVIG, RitStable
Our case47/MLivingFocal3−/−/−mPSLimproved

Diffuse infiltration of PCAR was defined as score i3 in Banff classification or described as “Diffuse.” By contrast, less than i2 was described as “Focal.” ND: no data; VR: vascular rejection; RTx: renal transplantation; TG: transplant glomerulitis; DSA: donor-specific antibody; ABMR: antibody-mediated rejection; mPSL: methylprednisolone; PEX: plasma exchange; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulin; Rit: Rituximab; OKT3: Muromonab-CD3; DSG: deoxyspergualin.