Case Report

Amiodarone Induced Hyponatremia Masquerading as Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion by Anaplastic Carcinoma of Prostate

Table 1

Summary of cases of SIADH Induced by amiodarone, including the present case.

Serial numberAuthor and yearAgeGenderSodium level at diagnosis
Amiodarone dose and durationTime to develop hyponatremiaManagementDay on which serum sodium normalized

1 Ruiz et al. 1996 [8] 67F110Not mentioned4 MonthsDiscontinuationUnknown
2 Odeh et al. 1999 [7]62F120300 mg qd6 MonthsDiscontinuation 5 Days
3 Patel and Kasiar 2002 [9] 67M117200 mg qd3 MonthsFluid restriction, Discontinuation of therapy3 Days
4 Ikegami et al. 2002 [11] 63M119800 mg qd7 Days Amiodarone dose reduced to 100 mg qd, fluid restriction28 days
5 Ikegami et al. 2002 [11] 87M121200 mg qd for seven days then 100 mg qd15 DaysFluid restriction only14 Days
6 Aslam et al. 2004 [10] 72M1172 g qd (loading dose)5 DaysDecrease dose to 200 mg qdNormalized on 2nd day, Stable on 14th day
7 Paydas et al. 2008 [12] 58M107Not mentioned5 MonthsCessation of treatment14 Days
8 Shavit and sherer 2007 [13] 85M122Not mentioned30 DaysCessation of treatmentA few days, stable at 3rd month
9 Singla et al. 2013 [14] 66M120Loading followed by 400 mg four times a day 3 DaysDiscontinuation of amiodarone and hemodialysisNot Mentioned
10 Afshinnia et al. 2011 [15] 72M117150 mg IV loading, 900 mg over 24 hours, 400 mg TDS7 days16 Days
11 Pham et al. 2013 [16] 84M105Loading followed by 400 mg 8 hourly ×3 days. Then 400 mg OD11 DaysHypertonic saline, Fluid restriction, Demichlocycline,10 Days
12Dutta et al. (Present Case) 62M109100 mg OD9 MonthsFluid restriction, stoppage of amiodarone3 Days