Case Report

A Rare Case of Isolated Ureteral Diaphragmatic Herniation: Case Report and Review of Literature

Table 1

Review of ureteral diaphragmatic herniation.

Authors (Year of publication)Age/genderLateralityPresentationManagement

Swithinbank (1958)60/FRightRight flank painSurgical repair
Paterson and Lupton (1989)75/MRightRight flank painSurgical repair
Chawla and Mond (1994)56/MRightIncidental on workup for contralateral flank painNot mentioned
Catalano et al. (1998)63/FRightUpon workup for renal stonesSurgical repair of the defect
Sukumar et al. (2010)75/FRightIncidental finding on workup for azotemiaConservative
Balakrishnan and Neerhut (2011)83/FRightRight flank painRetrograde ureteral stenting
Song et al. (2011)75/MRightRight upper quadrant painRetrograde ureteral stenting
Hatzidakis et al. (2014)86/FRightSeptic obstructive pyelonephritisNephrostomy drainage followed by ureteral stenting
Almeida et al. (2015)82/FRightIncidental on PET scan for workup of lung noduleNot mentioned
Dru and Josephson (2016)94/FRightRight flank painRetrograde ureteral stenting
Lin et al. (2017)81/FRightRight flank painRetrograde ureteral stenting followed by surgical repair
Beland et al. (2019)84/FRightObstructing ureteral stoneRetrograde intra-renal surgery for stone fragmentation and stenting
Current case71/MRightIncidentalConservative