Case Report

A Unique Case of Incomplete Bifid Ureter and Associated Arterial Variations

Figure 2

The anatomical presentation of the posterior aspect of the left kidney. (a) depicts the relevant dissected structures associated with labeled landmarks while (b) depicts relevant structures pseudocolored for ease in visualization. The left kidney (K in (a)) has been reflected away from the left posterior abdominal wall to show the posterior aspect of its hilum. The two contributions to the ureter (yellow in (b)) can be observed emerging from the hilum; the superior contribution emerges posterior to the renal vein, and the inferior contribution descends from the renal hilum anterior to the renal vein. The left aberrant renal artery (pink in (b)) is observed branching before entering the substance of the kidney. The left ovarian artery (red in (b)) emerges from the anterior aspect of the aberrant left renal artery. Five segmental arteries and the renal vein are also observed entering the renal hilum (green and blue, respectively, in (b)).