Case Report

Case Report of Bilateral 3-4 Metatarsal Syndactyly in a Pet Rabbit

Table 1

Relevant laboratory findings in a syndactyly rabbit.

ValueReference interval

Hematology (a)
Globulins (g/dL)3,71,5–2,7 (b)
Calcium, total (mg/dL)14,411–14 (b)
Calcium, ionized (mmol/L)1,831,67–1,85 (c)
SedimentTriple phosphateTriple phosphate, calcium oxalate, calcium carbonate (d)
Proteins (mg/dL)45,967,64–70,37 (e)
Creatinine (mg/dL)67,45
GGT (U/L)38,252,7–96,5 (f)
Ratio PU : CrU0,680,11–0,4 (e)/<0,6 (b)
Ratio GGT : CrU0,570,043–1,034 (f)

Value out of the reference interval.
(a) RBC, WBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit value were within the reference interval for rabbits by Graham and Mader [47].
(b) Melillo 2007 [39]. ALT, ALP, total protein, albumin, BUN, creatinine, and phosphorus were within the reference interval for rabbits by Melillo [39].
(c) Ardiaca et al. 2013 [42]. Gasometry and electrolyte values (pH, , BEecf, AnGap, Na, K, and Cl) were within the reference interval for rabbits by Ardiaca et al. [42].
(d) Urine strip values were within the reference interval by Hoefer [43].
(e) Reusch et al. 2009 [34].
(f) Mancinelli et al. 2012 [35].