Case Report

Percutaneous Cava Stenting in a Dog with Symptomatic Azygos Continuation of the Caudal Vena Cava

Figure 1

Multiphase CT examination on admission and after stent placement. (a) Sagittal multiplanar reformatted (MPR) image showing the absence of the prerenal segment of the caudal vena cava (CVC) with azygos continuation (Az). The asterisk indicates the diaphragmatic crura; rtRV: right renal vein. (b) Dorsal MPR image. Note the thrombus in the right renal vein (arrow) and engorged left renal vein (ltRV). (c) Transverse view after stent placement. Ao: descending aorta. (d) Dorsal MPR after stent placement. Note the normally perfused right renal vein. The left one is still enlarged. The arrowhead indicates the enlarged left gonadal vein (not enhanced).