Case Report

Tracheal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated with Tracheal Resection and Anastomosis in a Cat

Table 1

Primary feline tracheal squamous cell carcinoma.

SourceSignalmentTreatment and outcomeSurvival

Veith et al. 19742YO DSHN/A0 days
Lobetti et al. 1992N/AEuthanized with no treatment0 days
Jakubiak et al. 200511.5YO FS DSHEuthanized with no treatment~7 days
Jelinek et al. 201211YO FS DSHEuthanized with no treatment0 days
Queen et al. 201016YO MC DSHDebulked with an endoscopic snare. Clinical remission for 4 weeks until SCC regrowth and severe dyspnea recurrence.28-42 days postsurgery
Howard et al. 20179YO MC BengalNo treatment for a month. Endoscopic debulking led to clinical remission for 2 months. Another endoscopic debulking allowed for an additional 20 days of clinical remission until severe dyspnea recurred and the patient was euthanized.CR for 60 days after initial debulk, CR 20 days after second debulk (110 days total)
Current report10YO MC DSHTracheal resection and anastomosis. Margins incomplete. Referred to oncology to discuss further options including revisional surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. No further treatment had been initiated at the time of last phone recheck (120 days postoperatively)In CR at the time of last phone update (120 days postop)

Abbreviations: CR: clinical remission: DSH: domestic shorthair; FS: female spayed; MC: male castrated; N/A: not available; YO: year old.