Research Article

Contemporaneous International Asthma Guidelines Present Differing Recommendations: An Analysis

Table 3

Guideline criteria, levels of evidence, and papers cited for controller de-escalation.

Baseline therapyCTS 2012GINA 2012BTS 2012

Medium/high dose ICS plus LABANo recommendation providedReduce the ICS dose by 50% every 3 months and continue the LABANo recommendation provided
Level of evidence: B
Reference: none provided

Low dose ICS plus LABANo recommendation providedIf on a low-dose ICS/LABA combination then discontinue the LABANo recommendation provided
Level of evidence: D
Reference: none provided

Medium/high dose ICS aloneNo recommendation providedIf the patient is on a medium or high dose ICS alone then reduce the dose of ICS by 50% every three monthsConsider decreasing ICS dosing by 25–50% every three months
Level of evidence: BLevel of evidence: none provided
References: Hawkins et al. BMJ 2003 [44]
Powell and Gibson  Thorax 2004 [45]
Powell and Gibson  Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 [46]
Reference: Hawkins et al. BMJ 2003 [44]

Low-dose ICS aloneIf the patient is adequately controlled on low-dose ICS then one should ensure control for 1-2 years prior to stopping ICS therapy altogether
Level of evidence: none provided
Reference: none provided
If on a low-dose ICS alone and the patient has been controlled for three months then cut down from twice daily to once daily ICS dosing
Level of evidence: A
Boulet et al., Respir Med. 2006 [47]
Masoli et al., and Respirology 2004 [48]
If control is achieved on lowest dose ICS and no recurrence of symptoms occurs for one year then one can discontinue regular ICS therapy
Level of evidence: D
References: none provided
No recommendation provided

See Appendix for a description of the evidence rating system used by each guideline.
ICS denotes inhaled corticosteroid; LABA denotes long-acting beta agonist.