Research Article

Comparison of Respiratory Pathogen Detection in Upper versus Lower Respiratory Tract Samples Using the BioFire FilmArray Respiratory Panel in the Immunocompromised Host

Table 2

Concordance of the FilmArray Respiratory Panel when performed on paired NP swabs and BAL fluid specimens ().

Number (%) of specimens yielding concordant FilmArray results

NP and BAL both positive20 (16.0%)
NP and BAL both negative91 (72.8%)
Total111 (88.8%)
Number (%) of specimens yielding discordant FilmArray results
NP positive, BAL negative8 (6.4%)
NP negative, BAL positive6 (4.8%)
Total14 (11.2%)

BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage; NP, nasopharyngeal.