Research Article

Adrenal Insufficiency in Cystic Fibrosis: A Rare Phenomenon?

Table 3

Clinical characteristics of adrenal insufficient patients with CF with and without systemic corticosteroids .

Systemic corticosteroidsYesNo value

Number of patients1419
Sex (% men)35.757.90.215
Age (years)36.0 (21.0–55.0)26.0 (19.0–39.0)0.019
Weight (kg)58.8 (50.0–79.1)61.2 (41.1–72.8)0.913
BMI (kg/m2)21.3 (19.1–27.4)21.7 (17.1–27.5)0.971
Genotype (% yes)
 Homozygote delF50857.163.2
 Heterozygote delF50835.726.30.825
Glucose tolerance (% yes)
Pancreatic insufficiency (% yes)71.4100.00.014
Hepatic dysfunction (% yes)21.436.80.208
Home oxygen therapy (% yes)
Noninvasive ventilation (% yes)010.50.217
ABPA (% yes)64.30≤0.001

BMI, body mass index; dysglycemic is presence of either glucose intolerance or diabetes; hepatic dysfunction is either abnormal level of hepatic enzymes or presence of cirrhosis; ABPA, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Median and interval range are shown. value < 0.05 represents Mann-Whitney Student’s t-test. Chi2 regression analysis.