Research Article

DHX36, BAX, and ARPC1B May Be Critical for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis

Table 1

The number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified in each comparison group. HD, healthy donors; LTBI, patients with latent tuberculosis (TB) infection; TB, tuberculosis patients; TB3m, tuberculosis patients after antituberculosis treatment for 3 months; TB6m, tuberculosis patients after antituberculosis treatment for 6 months.

Comparison groupsNumber of DEGsNumber of upregulated genesNumber of downregulated genes

LTBI vs. HD520201319
TB vs. HD293114881443
TB vs. LTBI288715051382
TB3m vs. TB462249213
TB6m vs. TB15023951107
TB6m vs. TB3m741170571