Clinical Study

Arterial Injury and Endothelial Repair: Rapid Recovery of Function after Mechanical Injury in Healthy Volunteers

Table 1

Baseline characteristics.

Healthy volunteers

Age (years) <0.001
Gender (male)24 (85.7)11 (61.1)<0.001
Ethnicity (white)19 (67.8)13 (72.2) Ns
BMI23.9 (2.7)31.2 (6.6)<0.001
Systolic BP (mmHg)131 (9.1)127.3 (17.2)Ns
Diastolic BP (mmHg)75.1 (8.3)74.4 (11.5)Ns
Hypertension0 (0)10 (55.5)<0.001
Diabetes0 (0)6 (33.3)<0.001
Current smoker0 (0)3 (16.7)<0.001
Concurrent medications:
 Antiplatelet0 (0)12 (66.7)<0.001
 Statin0 (0)13 (72.2)<0.001
 Cholesterol (mmol/L) Ns
 Glucose (mmol/L) Ns
 Baseline radial artery diameter (mm) Ns
 Baseline FMD (%) Ns

Values are mean ± SD or number (%). BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; FMD: flow mediated dilation; Ns: not significant.