Research Article

Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Permanent Atrial Fibrillation: Prevalence and Associated Factors

Table 3

Association between patients’ characteristics and anxiety levels.

CharacteristicsLow levels, N (%)Moderate levels, N (%)High levels, N (%) value

 Male47 (39.8%)37 (31.4%)34 (28.8%)0.022
 Female18 (35.3%)8 (15.7%)25 (49.0%)
 ≤6019 (30.2%)24 (38.1%)20 (31.7%)0.022
 61–7021 (40.4%)15 (28.8%)16 (30.8%)
 >7025 (46.3%)6 (11.1%)23 (42.6%)
 Married47 (37.6%)33 (26.4%)45 (36.0%)0.876
 Single18 (40.9%)12 (27.3%)14 (31.8%)
Educational level
 Primary36 (40.9%)16 (18.2%)36 (40.9%)0.025
 Secondary23 (41.1%)21 (37.5%)12 (21.4%)
 University6 (24.0%)8 (32.0%)11 (44.0%)
 Employee23 (35.9%)26 (40.6%)15 (23.4%)0.003
 Pensioner/household42 (40.0%)19 (18.1%)44 (41.9%)
Place of residence
 Attica43 (37.7%)33 (28.9%)38 (33.3%)0.604
 Other places22 (40.0%)12 (21.8%)21 (38.2%)
Number of children
 None7 (36.8%)8 (42.1%)4 (21.1%)0.368
 One13 (37.1%)11 (31.4%)11 (31.4%)
 More than one45 (39.1%)26 (22.6%)44 (38.3%)
Other diseases
 Yes26 (35.6%)16 (21.9%)31 (42.5%)0.179
 No39 (40.6%)29 (30.2%)28 (29.2%)
Informed of the state of their health
 Very39 (44.3%)23 (26.1%)26 (29.5%)0.391
 Enough18 (29.5%)18 (29.5%)25 (41.0%)
 Less/not at all8 (40.0%)4 (20.0%)8 (40.0%)
Years having the disease
 <232 (39.0%)25 (30.5%)25 (30.5%)0.005
 2–518 (41.9%)11 (25.6%)14 (32.6%)
 6–1015 (34.1%)9 (20.5%)20 (45.5%)
Relations with nursing staff
 Very good56 (45.2%)30 (24.2%)38 (30.6%)0.040
 Good7 (21.2%)12 (36.4%)14 (42.4%)
 Moderate/bad2 (16.7%)3 (25.0%)7 (58.3%)
Relations with medical staff
 Very good53 (44.9%)28 (23.7%)37 (31.4%)0.128
 Good10 (24.4%)14 (34.1%)17 (41.5%)
 Moderate/bad2 (20.0%)3 (30.0%)5 (50.0%)

Low-level score: 0–7; moderate-level score: 8–10; high-level score: 11–21.