Research Article

Correlation between the Serum Platelet-Derived Growth Factor, Angiopoietin-1, and Severity of Coronary Heart Disease

Table 2

PDGF and Ang-1 level of the study population.

ParameterControl (n = 29)ACS groups
Total (n = 81)UAP groups (n = 20)AMI groups (n = 61)

PDGF (pg/ml)Peripheral blood362.01 ± 292.39734.08 ± 627.85614.11 ± 600.39773.41 ± 636.46
Coronary blood1142.07 ± 837.42788.93 ± 611.991257.87 ± 872.48

Ang-1 (pg/ml)Peripheral blood608.64 ± 237.69631.98 ± 381.94553.20 ± 372.96657.81 ± 384.33
Coronary blood128.71 ± 109.9465.99 ± 40.86149.27 ± 117.66

, control vs. other groups; , UAP groups vs. other groups; , peripheral blood level vs. coronary blood level.