Research Article

The Value of Voltage Histogram Analysis Derived Right Atrial Scar Burden in the Prediction of Left Atrial Scar Burden

Table 2

Procedural characteristics.

Procedural characteristics (n = 36)

Number of LA points987(680–1165)
Number of RA points897(658–1153)
LA mapping time (min)8(6–9)
RA mapping time (min)7(6–8)
Diseased LA tissue (%)19(13–53)
Diseased RA tissue (%)24(14–34)
LAVI (HD-EAM) (ml/m2)78(60–84)
RAVI (HD-EAM) (ml/m2)87(71–100)

LA/RA = left/right atrium, LAVI/RAVI = left/right atrial volume index, and HD-EAM = high-density electroanatomic map.