Research Article

Cooperative Bacterial Foraging Optimization

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for CBFO-S.
INITIALIZE: the position and the associated run-length unit Cinitial of the bacteria colony;
For(each phase )
       For(each chemotactic step )
For(each bacterium )
  Calculate the fitness of bacterium;
  TUMBLE: Generate a random vector where each element belongs to
Move the bacterium i in the direction of by a unit
walk of size Then calculate the new fitness
of bacterium
  Setflag = 0;
  RUN: While (flag )
  Take another unit walk in the same direction;
 Calculate the new fitness as
  flag = flag + 1;
End if
    End while
End for
REPRODUCTION: The bacteria with the worst fitness die and the
other bacteria with the best fitness split;
ELIMINATION and DISPERSAL: With probability eliminate and
              disperse each bacterium;
       End for
       REINITIALIZE: bacteria positions from the potential candidate positions
        found by each bacterium in the phase .
       EVOLUTION: Evolution is added to run-length unit by:
is user-defined constant.
End for