Research Article

Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Time-Varying Strategy

Algorithm 1

The pseudocode of artificial bee colony algorithm.
(1) Initialize the set of food sources , ;
(2) Evaluate each , ;
(3) while  have not found “good enough” solution or not reached the predetermined
   maximum number of iterations  do
(4)  for   to SN  do              /  Employed bees phase  /
(5)   Generate with using (2);
(6)   Evaluate ;
(7)   if    then
(8)    ;
(9)  for   to SN  do              /  Onlooker bees phase  /
(10)      Select an employed bee using (3);
(11)       Try to improve food source quality according to Steps (5)–(8);
(12)     Generate a new randomly food source for those does not improve with successive
      iterations         /  Scout bees phase  /;
(13)     Memorize the best food source achieved so far;