Research Article

Estimating the Capacity of Urban Transportation Networks with an Improved Sensitivity Based Method

Algorithm 1

 Set , determine the initial link cost and destination cost by setting and , respectively.
 For each origin do
  (i) Find the tree of minimum cost routes rooting from . Let be the minimum route tree. Denote
    the minimum route cost to destination by , and choose a minimum cost route from p to q.
  (ii) Compute the initial variable O-D demands by
  (iii) For , assign the entire O-D demand and to the minimum cost route from to , and obtain initial
     link flow .
  (iv) Update the link costs using the initial link flows.
  (v) Initialize the origin-based approach proportions .
Main Loop:
 Given the current variable O-D demand obtained in ()th-iteration:
 For to number of main iterations ()
  for each in do
   Update restricting network
   Update origin-based approach proportions
  end for
  Inner Loop:
  for to number of inner iterations ()
   for each in do
    Update origin-based approach proportions
   end for
  end for
  Update  O-D flows, retain origin-based approach proportions:
   Given the origin-based approach proportions , link flows and link costs obtained in the steps
   (i) For each , compute the destination cost by O-D demand and .
   (ii) Find the set of auxiliary trip demands by solving the following logit distribution model:
   (iii) Calculate the auxiliary traffic flow on each link a with the approach proportions
   (iv) Let and solve the one-dimensional search problem defined
     as follows to obtain the step size
   (v) Set and check for convergence. Terminate if the convergence
     criterion is satisfied; otherwise, update total link flows and link costs, set and start
     a new iteration of the main loop.
 End for