Research Article

Evolutionary Model and Simulation Research of Collaborative Innovation Network: A Case Study of Artificial Intelligence Industry

Table 1

The network topology structure parameter values.

The network topology structure parametert=10t=40t=100t=150

Average path length (L)12.11991.378212.47691.436612.03711.07288.41811.8947

Average clustering coefficient (C)0.48520.02490.39540.03260.41590.03380.39000.0267

Small-world Q (SW)0.04060.00560.03200.00380.03480.00440.04940.0146

Relatively small-world Q (RSW)3.37410.46672.65920.31332.89420.36404.10301.2131

Notes: m(mean values)/std(standard deviation): repeat 10 times independent simulation operations to calculate the mean and standard deviation of all the parameters at the given time in the ten simulation results.According to the literature [33], the RSW calculation formula is Lrandom=,Crandom=k/n.