Research Article

An Optimization Method for Operation Adjustment of High-Speed Delayed Trains

Algorithm 2

Input: original timetable, original delay.
Output: The set .
(1)  Initial the minimum number of delayed train and number set of delayed trains Nd=zeros(n),
   the solution set , for which is a sufficiently large number.
(2)  For   to
(3)    For   to
(4)     If train is delayed at station
(5)       For   to 63    the possible combinations of the six strategies
(6)         If the constraints of the strategies are all satisfied
(7)           The strategies are used for train at each station
(8)         End If
(9)       End For
(10)      If only one strategy can be chosen
(11)         Update Scheme
(12)      Else
(13)         Create the new Schemes
(14)      End If
(15)         Update the number of delayed train of Schemes ,Nd(n)
(16)      If  θ.Count.Nd(n)>
(17)        Delete the Scheme
(18)        Break
(19)      Else
(20)    End If
(21)   End For
(23)   . Count.Nd(n)
(24)  End For