Research Article

An Optimization Method for Operation Adjustment of High-Speed Delayed Trains

Algorithm 3

Input: The set .
Output: The optimal adjustment scheme.
(1)  Initial the average delay time ,
(2)  While ()
(3)       initial the delay time of the scheme
(4)    For   to
(5)      For   to
(6)        If for , the constraints Eqs.(24)~(28) of the accurate model are all satisfied
(7)          The adjustment time , are calculated by Eq.(19)~(20)
(8)          Algorithm1  
(10)       End If
(11)     End For
(12)   End For
(13)   If  
(15)    The optimal adjustment scheme is scheme # and the timetable of the scheme is recorded
(16)   End If
(17) End While