Research Article

Return Mode Selection and Pricing Strategy for a Dual-Channel Retailer

Table 1

Symbols and corresponding descriptions.


Return probability of offline original channel ()
Return probability of online original channel ()
Return probability of online cross-returned to offline ()
Probability of resalable offline original channel return
Probability of resalable online original channel return
Probability of online purchase cross-returned offline and resalable
Unit purchase cost
Unit collection cost of returns
Unit freight
Salvage value ()
Potential market size
Offline customer preference ()
Potential market size of offline channel
Potential market size of online channel
Own-price sensitivity of a channel
Cross-price sensitivity of a channel
, or Represents original channel return, fixed cross-channel return, and relaxed cross-channel return mode, respectively
and Offline product price and online product price of return mode
and Offline customer demand and online customer demand of return mode
and Offline and online order quantities under return mode
and Offline store profit and online store profit under return mode
The total profit of the two channels of the DCR under return mode