Research Article

Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Urban Areas Using Remote Sensing: Case of Blantyre City

Table 2

LULC class description.

LULC classDescription

Built-up landLand that has been built on. It includes commercial, residential, industrial, and transportation infrastructure
Bare landAreas with no dominant vegetation cover, including exposed rocks
Forest landAreas with open woodland (15–65%), herbaceous layers, and closed broadleaved deciduous trees (>70–60%)
Herbaceous landIncluding land with herbaceous closed vegetation (15–100%), permanent marsh, sparse tree, and shrub savannah
Agricultural landIdle land being used for small-scale farming of rain-fed crops (maize) and cultivated dambo areas (BCC laws do not permit farming in the city even though small-scale farming is still practiced)
WaterbodyAreas permanently covered by water, which includes man-made dams and ponds