Research Article

A Decomposition-Based Harmony Search Algorithm for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization

Algorithm 1

Input: population size NP, decision variable dimension n, algorithm parameters: HMS, HMCR, PAR, bandwidth (BW), pr, t, the maximum number of evaluation functions MaxFES,
Output: the set TP.
(1)Initialize population P and weight vector W;
(2)Calculate the fitness Fit and ideal point ;
(3)Set FES = NP;
(4)for i=1:NP do
(5) Set  = [];
(6)end for
(7)for i = 1:NP do
(8), where ;
(9)end for
(10)while FES < MaxFES do
(11)  Set ;
(12)  for i = 1:|T| do
(13)   Generate offspring by Algorithm 2 and elite learning strategy;
(14)   Update ideal point and subpopulation by Algorithm 3, where ;
(15)   FES = FES + 1;
(16)end for
(17)end while
(18)TP ← all Pareto optimal solutions in ;