Research Article

Novel Evolutionary Models and Periodic Charts in p- and q-Individual Chromosomes of Auxiliary Lymph Node and Buccal Cells

Figure 2

Comparative insights on telomere length in breast cancer and subtelomeric profile in auxiliary lymph node cells. Left column: TL of right breast tumor assayed by Southern blot presenting low TL at both genomics and tumor levels; (a, b, c) subtelomere statue in the left ALN and breast tumor; (a) Q-FISH image of right tumor cells conjugated with cy3(orange) and mergrd with dapi confirming low signal copy number and signal intensity of global chromosomes; (b1) BUC cells with dapi filter (in blue); (b2) same cells conjugated with FITC (in green) reflecting the signals of p-arm of chromosome 18; (c1) the same BUC cells conjugated with Pe-Cy5 (in texas red) presenting the q-arm of chromosome 18; (c2) the conjugate image of same cells presenting the signal mode of p- and q-arm. TL: telomere length; L: ladder, G: genomics; T: tumor; BUC: buccal.