Research Article

Avocado Oil Supplementation Modifies Cardiovascular Risk Profile Markers in a Rat Model of Sucrose-Induced Metabolic Changes

Table 5

Profile of myocardial injury enzymes in rats fed diets with different dietary oil sources during 4 weeks.

VariablesDietary groups

Lactic dehydrogenase (U/L)
Creatine kinase (U/L)
High sensitivity C-reactive protein (mg/dL)

Values are mean ± SD.
Corn-canola diet (CG group, ); corn-canola diet plus 30% sucrose in drinking water (MC group, ); olive oil diet plus 30% sucrose in drinking water (MCao group, ); avocado oil diet extracted by centrifugation plus 30% sucrose in drinking water (MCac group, ); avocado oil diet extracted by solvent plus 30% sucrose in drinking water (MCas group, ).
; versus corresponding data in CG group.