Clinical Study

The Relationship between Clinical Feature, Complex Immunophenotype, Chromosome Karyotype, and Outcome of Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in China

Table 4

Univariate Cox model for OS and RFS risk factors of MPAL, Ly+AML, and LyAML patients.

Risk factorsOSRFS
HR95% CI valueHR95% CI value

Age1.014 1.001–1.0270.031 1.013 1.000–1.0260.055
Gender1.023 0.68–1.5400.912 1.150 0.761–1.7370.507
WBC1.003 1.001–1.0060.012 1.002 1.000–1.0040.102
BM blast0.996 0.986–1.0060.429 0.996 0.986–1.0060.452
Chromosome karyotype
 Normal1.000 1.000
 Complex 2.409 1.429–4.0600.001 2.691 1.591–4.5530.000
 Abnormal 1.808 1.018–3.2110.043 1.718 0.973–3.0310.062
 LyAML1.000 1.000
 Ly+AML1.404 0.768–2.5650.270 0.808 0.444–1.4720.486
 MPAL1.446 0.905–2.3120.023 1.063 0.600–1.5450.046

HR: hazard ratio; CI: confidence interval; WBC: white blood cell; OS: overall survival; RFS: relapse-free survival.