Review Article

Can Mitochondria DNA Provide a Novel Biomarker for Evaluating the Risk and Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer?

Table 3

Association between the mtDNA mutation and the risk and prognosis in CRC.

Sample typeFindingsPotential utilityTargetsRef

CRC tissues ( = 50) and the corresponding noncancerous tissues. Control group comprised the blood samples from healthy persons ( = 100).There was no association between the CAG repeat variants in the POLG gene and colorectal cancer risk.Risk evaluationCAG repeat variability in the POLG gene[52]

CRC tissues ( = 30), control group comprised the blood samples from healthy persons ( = 100).The A12308G, a polymorphic mutation in V-loop tRNA (Leu(CUN)), was found in 6 colorectal tumor tissues and 3 healthy controls.Risk evaluationA12308G alteration in tRNALeu (CUN)[53]

60 Vietnamese and 138 Japanese CRCs tissues.The frequency of mtDNA mutations in the Vietnamese CRCs was higher than that in the Japanese CRCs (19 of 44 43% versus 11 of 133 [9%], ).Risk evaluationmtDNA mutations frequency[54]

CRC tissues from 105 Swedish and 88 Vietnamese patients and the corresponding noncancerous tissues.The mtDNA 4977 bp deletion was more frequent in normal tissues comparing with paired cancer tissues.Risk evaluationmtDNA 4977 bp deletion[55]

CRC tissues ( = 21) and the corresponding noncancerous tissues.The mtDNA mutation frequency in the CRC tissues was decreased comparing with adjacent nontumor tissues.Risk evaluationmtDNA mutations frequency[56]

CRC tissues and the corresponding noncancerous tissues.mtDNA haplogroup B4 was associated with colorectal cancer risk and poor outcomes.Risk evaluation and prognosis evaluationmtDNA haplogroup B4[44]

Colon cancer ( = 86), rectal cancer ( = 43), and the corresponding noncancerous tissues.Nonsynonymous mtDNA mutation was found in 57% of colon and rectal cancerRisk evaluationmtDNA mutations frequency[57]

Three tissues (cancerous, paracancerous, and normal tissues), respectively, from 20 patients.The frequency of mtDNA mutations: cancerous > paracancerous > normal tissues.Risk evaluationmtDNA mutations frequency[58]

Hyperplastic polyps ( = 25), serrated adenomas , traditional serrated adenomas ( = 19), and CRCs tissues ( = 138).The mtDNA mutations frequency in carcinomas was not significantly higher than that in hyperplastic polyps and serrated adenomas.Risk evaluationmtDNA mutations frequency[59]

CRC tissues ( = 30) and the corresponding noncancerous tissues.T4216C mutation was in 8/30 CRC patients.Risk evaluationT4216C mutation[60]

CRC tissues ( = 30) and the corresponding noncancerous tissues. Blood samples were from 25 healthy people.The mtND1 gene mutations and polymorphisms were in 11 (45.8%) and 13 (54.2%) CRC tissues, respectively.Risk evaluationMitochondrial subunit ND1 (mtND1)[61]

CRC tissues ( = 104) and the corresponding noncancerous tissues.The 4,977 bp deletion level decreased with the advancing of cancer.Risk evaluation and prognosis evaluation4,977 bp deletion in the major arch of the mitochondrial genome[62]

Nuclear microsatellite instability in 38 rectal carcinomas and 25 sigmoid carcinomas.ND1 microsatellite sequence alterations were detected in 2.6% rectal carcinomas. ND5 microsatellite sequence alterations were detected in 5.3% rectal carcinomas and 8% sigmoid carcinomas.Risk evaluationND1 and ND5[63]

2854 CRC cases and 2822 controls.Five variants showed association with colon cancer. Three variants were associated with risk of CRC for MSI cases, with the strongest association for T4562C.Risk evaluationThe T4562C sites[64]

The mtDNA mutations frequency and mutations sites were investigated to explore the association between the mtDNA mutation and the risk and prognosis in CRC. But the association between mtDNA mutation and CRCs varied from study to study.