Research Article

Structure and Function of Enterocyte in Intrauterine Growth Retarded Pig Neonates

Figure 5

(a) Proteome profile of IUGR in middle part of the jejunum after electrophoresis visualized by Coomassie staining (M1PageRuler unstained protein ladder number 26614, 10–200 kDa, M2—Pierce™ unstained protein MW marker number 26610, 14.4–116 kDa). Proteins identified by mass spectrometry were marked: CPS—carbamoyl phosphate 1, HXKI—hexokinase I, GRP78—78 kDa glucose-regulated protein precursor, Lam—lamin A/C, Mor—mortalin, H2B—histone 2B, H4—histone. (b) Confirmation of mass spectrometry identification by Western blot analysis. IUGR (2, 4 indicated with ) in comparison to NBW piglets (1, 3).