Research Article

New Markers of Inflammation and Tubular Damage in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease

Table 3

Urine concentrations of examined parameters in CKD children and in the control group.

Parameters in urineMedian value (lower-upper quartile)
Control group ()CKD I ()CKD II ()

uMCP-1 (ng/mg creatinine)88.4 (78.5–101.2)872.5a (798.4–940.2)804.4 (658.4–924.8)
uMCSF (pg/mg creatinine)1004.4 (963.7–1125.2)6948.4a (6296.9–7566.2)5940.8b (5441.8–7464.7)
u neopterin (ng/mg creatinine)112.31 (101.1–131.6)300.1a (282.1–324.3)501.76b (446.2–667.0)

Mann–Whitney U test: a, CKD I versus the control group. b, CKD II versus CKD I.