Review Article

Diagnostic Markers for Nonspecific Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Table 2

The novel markers for nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).


Novel fecal markers
HBDHuman defensin βEpithelial and plasma cellsPeptides acting against microbe infection, correlate with inflammatory processes[70]
β-GlucuronidasesMucosal cells, bacteriaMarker of inflammation[72]
MPOMyeloperoxidaseGranulocytesMarker of inflammation; stool expression higher in patients with UC, compared to patients with CD; biomarker for response to treatment in patients with CD and UC[70, 73]
M2-PKPyruvate kinaseSkeletal muscle, heart, brain, and proliferative tissuesIncreases in colorectal carcinoma; in gut, inflammation reflects increased cell turnover; it is postulated that intestinal epithelial cells may be protected against apoptosis by the upregulation of M2-PK in CD; fecal pyruvate kinase has been suggested as a potential new marker for intestinal inflammation in children with IBD and a new predictor for inflammation and severity of pouchitis[70]
NGALNeutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalinEphithelial cells/neutrophilic granulocytesContributes to inflammation[74, 75]
S100A12Calgranulin CNeutrophils/macrophages, monocytesMay reflect the presence and severity of intestinal inflammation; has a potential role on predicting relapse[76, 77]
OPGOsteoprotegerinOsteoblasts, B lymphocytes, dendritic cells, bone marrow stromal cells, epithelial cells, and monocytes/macrophagesUseful marker of intestinal inflammatory severity in CD[70, 79]
MMPMatrix metalloproteinasesRegenerative tissuesMMPs are expressed in areas of inflammation and ulceration in the gut, and several MMPs are overexpressed in IBD[70]
CHI3L13-Like chitinaseMacrophages, neutrophils, chondrocytes, and synovial cellsHighly expressed in intraepithelial neoplasia mucosa of UC[70, 84]
HMGBHigh-mobility nuclear proteinNeutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cellsCorrelate with disease severity[77, 85, 86]
DNADeoxyribonucleic acidFecal excretion of DNA correlates with clinical disease activity and endoscopic severity in UC[70]
MicroRNAMicroribonucleic acidExpression patterns have been described in intestinal biopsies collected from IBD patients with a number of specific miRNA reported to be upregulated in both CD and UC[70]
Inflammatory markers belonging to extracellular matrix (ECM) components
sGAGsSulfated glycosaminoglycansECM componentsRemodeling tissue involved in proliferation, migration and adhesion;[87]
HAHyaluronianNonsulfated GAG; ECM componentElevated HA deposition in the intestine tissue promotes inflammation in IBD[8890]
LNLamininBasement membrane componentLN serum level is higher in CD than in controls and it is associated with disease activity[91]
SDC-1Syndecan-1Transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycanInflammatory marker; soluble SDC-1 levels are higher in CD patients and may contribute to the assessment of disease activity[92]
FNFibronectinECM componentIn several cases of CD, the concentration of fibronectin in the blood plasma was reduced before clinical relapse and returned to the normal range in remission[93]
COLVII-AbAutoantibodies against type VII collagenTissues with high expression of collagen VII, including colonic epitheliumCD and UC demonstrated reactivity to type VII collagen[94]