Research Article

Digital PCR for the Analysis of MYC Copy Number Variation in Lung Cancer

Table 1

Patients’ characteristics and clinicopathological parameters of the study group ().

CharacteristicGroup (%)

Age (years), median (range)67 (39-84)
SexMale80 (62.0)
Female49 (38.0)
Smoking statusNever15 (11.6)
Former70 (54.3)
Current44 (34.1)
Histological subtypesAdenocarcinoma67 (51.9)
Squamous cell carcinoma30 (23.3)
Carcinoid14 (10.9)
LCNEC8 (6.2)
Other#10 (7.8)
Grade§G111 (8.5)
G250 (38.8)
G347 (36.4)
G48 (6.2)
Unknown13 (10.1)
T stageT162 (48.1)
T245 (34.9)
T316 (12.4)
T43 (2.3)
Unknown3 (2.3)

LCNEC: large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. #Four adenosquamous carcinomas, two non-small-cell lung cancers, one non-small-cell lung cancer (not otherwise specified), two small-cell carcinomas, and one synovial sarcoma. §Grade 1: well differentiated, low grade; grade 2: moderately differentiated, intermediate grade; grade 3: poorly differentiated, high grade; and grade 4: undifferentiated, high grade.