Research Article

Plasma Homocysteine and Autonomic Nervous Dysfunction: Association and Clinical Relevance in OSAS

Table 2

OSAS and HRV characteristics stratified by Hcy quartiles.

VariablesHcy quartiles (μmol/L)
Q1 (<11.3)Q2 (11.3-14.3)Q3 (14.4-18.3)Q4 (>18.3) for trend

OSAS, (%)(26%)(31.9%)(38.3%)(53.2%)0.04/0.01
pNN507 (3, 15)8 (5, 16)8 (2, 14)5 (3, 10)0.45/0.43
EF (%)0.83/0.91
LVEDD (mm)0.64/0.41

Categorical values were compared by the test. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) or Wilcoxon’s rank sum test for continuous values. SDNN: standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals; SDANN: standard deviation of the averages of normal-to-normal intervals in all 5 min segments; pNN50: NN50 count divided by the total number of all normal-to-normal intervals.