Review Article

Exosomes in Nephropathies: A Rich Source of Novel Biomarkers

Table 4

Urinary exosomal biomarkers associated with injury localized to a specific cellular or subcellular component of the nephron patients (pts)/control (ctr).

ConditionPotential exosomal biomarkerStudy subjectsReference

Podocyte injuryIn diabetic nephropathyElf3 protein ↑50 pts-5 ctrs[48]
WT1, podocin, Actn4, CD2AP, and nephrin mRNA ↑20 pts-5 ctrs[49]
In minimal change nephrotic syndromePodocin, Actn4, CD2AP, and nephrin mRNA ↑
In metabolic syndrome-related kidney diseasePodocyte-derived exosomes (nephrin+/podocalyxin+) ↑16 pts-15 ctrs[43]
In CKDmiR-21 ↑41 pts-5 ctrs[44]
In cellular crescent formationSFP1 ↑37 pts[69]
In renovascular hypertensionPodocyte-derived exosomes (nephrin+/podocalyxin+) ↑31 pts-45 ctrs[60]
In lupus nephritismiR-29c ↓24 pts-8 ctrs; mice[75]
In IgA nephropathy
In focal segmental glomerulosclerosisWT-1 ↑25 pts-5 ctrs[68]

Proximal tubular injuryIn decompensated cirrhosisMaltase glucoamylase ↑24 pts[63]

Renal fibrosisIn CKDNonproximal tubule-derived miR-200b ↑38 pts[45]
miR-29c ↓32 pts-7 and ctrs[46]
CD2AP mRNA ↓32 pts-7 ctrs[47]
In lupus nephritismiR-29c ↓47pts-20 ctrs[82]

Peritubular capillary lossIn hypertensionEndothelial-derived EVs (PL-VAP+/CD31+/CD144+) ↑38 pts-14 ctrs[59]

Mitochondrial dysfunctionIn diabetic nephropathy12 mitochondria-specific metabolites ↓149 pts-23 ctrs[50]