Research Article

The Key Genes Underlying Pathophysiology Association between Plaque Instability and Progression of Myocardial Infarction

Table 3

Top clusters with their representative enriched terms of gene lists between DEG4 and MI_1d.


GO:0006954GO biological processesInflammatory response2719.01-11.96
GO:0042110GO biological processesT cell activation2114.79-10.16
GO:0002274GO biological processesMyeloid leukocyte activation1510.56-10.10
R-MMU-6798695Reactome gene setsNeutrophil degranulation2014.08-9.38
GO:0002250GO biological processesAdaptive immune response2014.08-8.35
GO:0019221GO biological processesCytokine-mediated signaling pathway1611.27-8.22
GO:0060326GO biological processesCell chemotaxis149.86-7.58
GO:0001906GO biological processesCell killing117.75-6.83
GO:0002683GO biological processesNegative regulation of immune system process1611.27-6.60
R-MMU-983695Reactome gene setsAntigen activates B cell receptor (BCR) leading to generation of second messengers53.52-6.35
GO:0002366GO biological processesLeukocyte activation involved in immune response128.45-6.14
ko04668KEGG pathwayTNF signaling pathway85.63-6.11
GO:2000106GO biological processesRegulation of leukocyte apoptotic process85.63-6.02
GO:0002526GO biological processesAcute inflammatory response85.63-5.65
ko05152KEGG pathwayTuberculosis96.34-5.38
GO:0006909GO biological processesPhagocytosis128.45-5.13
R-MMU-109582Reactome gene setsHemostasis149.86-4.96
GO:0033628GO biological processesRegulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin53.52-4.89
GO:0031334GO biological processesPositive regulation of protein complex assembly107.04-4.67
GO:0009620GO biological processesResponse to fungus53.52-4.53

“Count” is the number of genes in the user-provided lists with membership in the given ontology term. “%” is the percentage of all of the user-provided genes that are found in the given ontology term (only input genes with at least one ontology term annotation are included in the calculation). “log10()” is the value in log base 10.