Review Article

The Desmosomal Plaque Proteins of the Plakophilin Family

Figure 4

Immunohistochemical staining of sections of human skin a, and b and liver c, and d with antibodies against PKP 3. (a) Intensive reaction of desmosomes and cytoplasm is visible by staining sections of human skin with a monoclonal antibody against PKP 3 (clone PKP3 310.9.1; Progen, Heidelberg). Basal and lower suprabasal keratinocytes exhibit a strong cytoplasmic staining while desmosomal staining is less prominent. With ongoing differentiation, the desmosomal labeling is increasing. (b) Eccrine and apocrine (arrows) sweat glands show strong desmosomal labeling with PKP 3-specific antibodies. (c) Reaction of PKP 3-specific antibodies on liver is restricted to bile ductules (arrow; see description of liver tissue in the legend to Figure 3) while hepatocytes are completely negative for PKP 3. The insert presents a magnification of a bile ductule of human liver stained with antibodies against PKP 3, exhibiting a labeling of the desmosomal junctions. (d) Bile ducts (here in a large portal field) show a clear desmosomal reaction at the apical pole of cells (arrow). Scale bars: 100  m (d), 200  m a, b, c.