Review Article

The Influence of Pregnancy on the Recurrence of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma in Women

Table 3

Influence of pregnancy on recurrence of cutaneous malignant melanoma in women.

StudyPopulation (n)EffectPrecision
( )RRP-value95% CI

Reintgen et al. [9]43 patients0.04 univariate.80 univariate
585 controls0.0 multivariate1.00 multivariate

MacKie et al. [10]85 patients1.21 (**).660.52–2.79
143 controls0.71 (**).540.23–2.15

( ) With , the chi-square test is pronounced, which was used to test the significance of differences between the patient and the control groups. A concomitant P-value means that a correlation between pregnancy and CMM recurrence is not likely, and that if there is a correlation at all, this is not very strong, as suggested by the small -values of and 0 in the univariate and multivariate analyses, respectively.
( ) Compared to women diagnosed with a CMM in between pregnancies.