Research Article

Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Risk: Assessment by CUORE Project Risk Score in Italian Patients

Table 1

Descriptive analysis of the demographic and clinical data of cases and controls.

CharacteristicsPsoriasis patients ( )Controls ( ) value

Age (years), mean ± SD
 Male, % ( )67.62% (142)67.57% (75)
PASI, mean
 PASI < 10, % ( )33% (70)
 PASI ≥ 10, % ( )77% (140)
Psoriasis type I, % ( )59.05% (124)
Psoriasis type II, % ( )40.95% (86)
CUORE project risk score,
 Mean ± SD
 35–44 years
 45–54 years
 55–69 years