Review Article

Type I Interferons: Key Players in Normal Skin and Select Cutaneous Malignancies

Table 2

Effect of type I Interferon on cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Type of effectDescription of effectReferences

AntiproliferativeIFN- has greater antiproliferative effect than IFN- in SCL-1 cells.
IFN- induced a partial G1/0 arrest in SRB12-p9 cells.
SCC-12B.2 cell line is less sensitive than normal keratinocytes to growth inhibitory effects of IFNs-
[17, 2426]

ProapoptoticIFN- led to a twofold increase in apoptosis in SRB12-p9 cells compared to controls.
Upon IFN- treatment, SRB-12 cells exhibited ultrastructural evidence of apoptosis on microscopy.
[26, 27]

ImmunomodulatoryIFNs- , reduced IFN-γ-induced HLA-DR expression in A431 cells.[25]

MiscellaneousCompared to normal skin, there was decreased staining intensity for ISGF3 proteins in not only specimens of human skin SCCs but also specimens of actinic keratoses.
Cell growth inhibitory effect of IFN-α requires an intact STAT2 protein.
[4, 5, 28]