Research Article

Feasibility of the Positive Thoughts and Actions Prevention Program for Middle Schoolers at Risk for Depression

Table 3

Adjusted mean scores on depressive measures by group and time.

ConstructDepressive Symptoms

 Baseline14.42 (9.85)10.51 (10.17)26.17 (7.50)
 Post-intervention15.91 (10.24)9.11 (11.27)27.45 (7.43)
 6-month followup10.86 (10.59)7.37 (7.64)25.67 (7.77)
 18-month followup16.17 (10.83)9.28 (8.42)27.75 (9.04)
 Baseline14.87 (10.41)10.67 (7.22)23.95 (6.17)
 Post-intervention 14.50 (7.41) 8.05 (6.44)27.30 (6.78)
 6-month followup 11.67 (6.83) 7.57 (5.65)22.96 (4.01)
 18-month followup 18.10 (10.96) 6.01 (5.26)27.01 (9.61)

Standard deviations are in parentheses. MFQ-C: Mood and Feelings Questionnaire-Child; MFQ-P: Mood and Feelings Questionnaire-Parent; CDRS: Children’s Depression Rating Scale.