Research Article

Leading from the Middle: Replication of a Re-Engagement Program for Veterans with Mental Disorders Lost to Follow-Up Care

Table 3

Veteran status determined through re-engagement contacts ( ).

Veteran status %

Inappropriate for re-engagement efforts4439.3
 Deceased at time of re-engagement2724.1
 Incarcerated in jail or prison6 5.4
 Hospitalized or housed in institution5 4.4
 Ineligible for VHA services 4 3.6
 Veteran re-engaged in VA care independently 2 1.8
Appropriate for re-engagement services68
 Veteran unsuccessfully contacted4870.6
 Veteran contacted by phone, mail, or other modality2029.4
Services requested by veterans at time of re-engagement contacta20
 Mental health 735.0
 Medical care 735.0
 Employment assistance 525.0
 Transportation 315.0
 Daily needs (e.g., food, clothing, housing) 315.0
 Legal services 15.0
 No services requested at time of re-engagement contact 420.0
Result of re-engagement contact 20
 Appointment scheduled 525.0
 Veteran declined to schedule appointment at time of contact 1575.0

aPercentages do not total 100% as most veterans indicated multiple areas of need.