Research Article

Factors Associated with Postnatal Depression among Mothers Attending at Bharatpur Hospital, Chitwan

Table 1

Association between sociodemographic, family-related and obstetrics-related characteristics, and postnatal depression ().

Postnatal depression value
Absent (201, 83.1%)
Present (41, 16.9%)

Socio-demographic characteristics
 Current age0.024
  <25 years150 (62.0)131 (87.3)19 (12.7)
  ≥25 years92(38.0)70 (76.1)22 (23.9)
  Privileged84 (34.7)68 (81.0)16 (19.0)
  Underprivileged158 (65.3)133 (84.2)25 (15.8)
 Educational status0.790
  ≤Secondary education149 (61.6)123 (82.6)26 (17.4)
  >Secondary education93 (38.4)78 (83.9)15 (16.1)
  Housewife189 (78.1)159 (84.1)30 (15.9)
  Working outside house53 (21.9)42 (79.2)11 (20.8)
  No231 (95.5)195 (84.4)36 (15.6)
  Yes11 (4.5)6 (54.5)5 (45.5)
Family-related characteristics
 Family type0.132
  Nuclear55 (22.7)42 (76.4)13 (23.6)
  Joint/extended187 (77.3)159 (85.0)28 (15.0)
 Economic status0.410
  Rich104 (43.0)84 (80.8)20 (19.2)
  Middle class/poor138 (57.0)117 (84.8)21 (15.2)
 Family support0.126a
  Yes230 (95.0)8 (66.7)4 (33.3)
  No12 (5.0)193 (83.9)37 (16.1)
 Pressure to conceive a child0.016
  No215 (88.8)183 (85.1)32 (14.9)
  Yes27 (11.2)18 (66.7)9 (33.3)
Obstetrics-related characteristics
 ANC service utilization0.425
  0 or <4 visits32 (13.2)25 (78.1)7 (21.9)
  ≥4 visits210 (86.8)176 (83.8)34 (16.2)
 Intent of pregnancy0.016
  Intended188 (77.7)162 (86.2)26 (13.8)
  Unintended54 (22.3)39(72.2)15 (27.8)
 Pregnancy-related complications0.051
  No202 (83.5)172 (85.1)30 (14.9)
  Yes40 (16.5)29 (72.5)11 (27.5)
  Prim parity151 (62.4)126 (83.4)25 (16.6)
  Multiparty91 (37.6)75 (82.4)16 (17.6)
 Delivery-related complications0.022
  No145 (59.9)127 (87.6)18 (12.4)
  Yes97 (40.1)74 (76.3)23 (23.7)
 Mode of feeding0.450
  Exclusive feeding111 (45.9)90 (81.1)21 (18.9)
  Mixed/formula131 (54.1)111 (84.7)20 (15.3)

a value from Fisher’s exact test; all others are from the chi-square test. value significant at <0.05.