Original Article

Hypolipidemic Effects of Three Purgative Decoctions

Table 2

Summary of human clinical trials examining the metabolic effects of rhubarb or rhubarb-containing polyherbal preparations on body weight, serum total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG).

Ref.Study typeSubjectsTreatmentcDurationMetabolic effect
Body weightaTCbTGcAdverse effects

[15]Case series10 men with hyper-cholesterolemiaFibre of Rheum rhaponticum (27 g)4 weeksNSD * (8%)none
[16]R, case- control95 pregnancy induced hypertensive womenDiet control and Western medication with or without prepared rhubarb (3–9 g)6–8 weeksNRT: NSDT: *NR
[17]Case series232 NAFLD patientsDanning Pian3 monthsNSDNSD * 15.1% including diarrhoea [32], itchy skin [1], nausea [3], increased ALT [2]
[18]R, db, pc81 obese female with impaired glucose toleranceDiet and exercise with either Bofu-Tsusho-San (BO) or placebo24 weeksP: * (7.6%); T: * (11.8%)P: *; T: *P: *; T: *3 in BO group dropped out due to noncompliance because of loose stool
[19]R, db, pc110 perimenopause womenERr731 or placebo12 weeksP:NSD T:NSDNRNRNo
[20]R, case-control24 healthy womenDiet control with NT (250–500 mg) or placebo12 weeksP: , T:NSDNRNRDose-dependent soft stool in T group
[21]R, P-control105 healthy volunteersLow or high dose of mixture of NT with gallic acid or placebo24 weeksP: , T(low dose):  ; T (high dose): ↑NSDNSD40% cases dropped out due to ineffectiveness
[22]R, db, control135 NAFLD patientsT: Danning Pian24 weeksC:NE; T: *C: ; T: C: *; T: *T: most showed diarrhoea, skin rash [1], nausea [3]

NSD, no significant difference; , reduced; NR, not reported in the study; , increased. R, randomized; db, double-blind; pc, placebo-controlled; P, placebo group; T, treatment (experimental) group; C, control group. NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; ERr 731, extract from the roots of Rheum rhaponticum; NT, contains 40% rhubarb root and stem; Danning Pian: each tablet contain 4.5 g Radix et Rhizoma Rhei. BO, Bofu-tsusho-san, consists of Rhei Rhizoma, Scutellariae Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix, Platycodi Radix, Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma, Schizonepetae Spica, Gardeniae Fructus, Paeonia Radix, Cnidii Rhizoma, Angelicae Radix, Menthae Folium, Saposhnikoviae Radix, Ephedrae herba, Forsythiae Fructus, Zingiberis Rhizoma, Kaolinum, Gypsum Fibrosum, Natrium Sulfuricum.
a Effect on body weight reduction; b Effect on TC reduction; c Effect on TG reduction; * Statistically significant.