Research Article

Homology-Driven Proteomics of Dinoflagellates with Unsequenced Genomes Using MALDI-TOF/TOF and Automated De Novo Sequencing

Figure 1

Multilayered protein identification workflow. After MASCOT search against the NCBI database, confident hits were identified with at least two peptides and protein scores above the minimum C.I. of 95%. Cross-species hits matching one peptide or protein scores below C.I. 95% were considered as borderline and were subjected to similarity searches against the dinoflagellate EST database using the BLASTx algorithm. The sequence similarities were considered to be significant if total ions score C.I. was ≥95% and the value was ≤e−20 at the amino acid sequence level. Nonconfident hits were interpreted using DeNovo Explorer software and MS-BLAST searches. Only HSPs with a score of 62 or above were considered confident.