Original Article

Iyengar Yoga versus Enhanced Usual Care on Blood Pressure in Patients with Prehypertension to Stage I Hypertension: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 1

IY class structure and components.

Component Time

Instructor introduction and organizational issues5 min
Set up and take attendance5 min
Savasana (corpse pose)5 min
Cross bolsters5 min
Supta baddha konasana (supine bound angle pose) 5 min
Supta swastikasana (supine fortunate pose) 5 min/side
Bharadvajasana (a twisting pose)3 × 30 s/side
Pavannamuktasana (release of wind pose)5 min
Adho mukha virasana (downward facing hero pose)5 min
Adho mukha swastikasana (downward facing fortunate pose) 1 min/side
Adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog)1 min
Uttanasana (standing forward bend)1 min
Janu sirsasana (seated forward bent with bent leg)1 min/side
Upavisthakonasana (seated forward bend with wide legs)3 min
Paschimottanasana (full forward bend) 1 min
Savasana (corpse pose) 5 min
Ujjayi (the conqueror) pranayama 5 min
End of class attendance
Total class time (including 1 min transitions) ~71 min

Included in the home program.