Research Article

Acupuncture on the Endometrial Morphology, the Serum Estradiol and Progesterone Levels, and the Expression of Endometrial Leukaemia-inhibitor Factor and Osteopontin in Rats

Table 2

Comparison of the morphometric characteristics of endometria in rats during implantation period.

Characteristics  Normal control AcupunctureClomiphene citrate value

Thickness ( m)621.25 ± 16441.31 ± 24422.90 ± 17 .0
Glandular area (mm2)0.21 ± 0.030.17 ± 0.030.13 ± 0.03 .0
Stromal area (mm2)2.50 ± 0.351.80 ± 0.361.76 ± 0.36 .6

ormal control group versus clomiphene citrate group.
cupuncture group versus clomiphene citrate group.