Review Article

Systematic Review of Integrative Health Care Research: Randomized Control Trials, Clinical Controlled Trials, and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

SIGN checklist [1].

Section  1: Internal validity*


1.1Study addresses appropriate, clearly focused question.
1.2Treatment group assignment is randomized.
1.3Adequate concealment method is used.
1.4Subjects and investigators are kept “blind” about treatment allocation.
1.5Treatment and control groups are similar at the start of the trial.
1.6Only difference between groups is the treatment under investigation.
1.7Outcomes are measured in a standard, valid, and reliable way.
1.8What percentage of subjects in each treatment arm dropped out before the study was completed (i.e., record %)?
1.9All subjects are analyzed in the groups to which they were randomly allocated (intention to treat analysis).
1.10If the study is multisite, results are comparable for all sites.

Section  2: Overall assessment**

How well was the study done to minimize bias? How valid is the study? Code ++, +, or −

*Each item in Section  1 is to be evaluated using these criteria:
(i)Well covered
(ii)Adequately addressed
(iii)Poorly addressed
(iv)Not addressed (i.e., not mentioned, or indicates that this aspect was ignored)
(v)Not reported (i.e., mentioned, but insufficient detail to allow assessment)
(vi)Not applicable

**The overall assessment uses the following ratings.
++All or most of the criteria have been fulfilled. Where they have not been fulfilled the conclusions of the study or review are thought very unlikely to alter.
+Some of the criteria have been fulfilled. Those criteria that have not been fulfilled or not adequately described are thought unlikely to alter the conclusions.
Few or no criteria fulfilled. The conclusions of the study are thought likely or very likely to alter.