Research Article

[Retracted] Psorinum Therapy in Treating Stomach, Gall Bladder, Pancreatic, and Liver Cancers: A Prospective Clinical Study

Table 1

Details of the frequently used homeopathic medicines for the purpose of the supportive cares.

NameOriginDosingPowerUsed to control ailments

(1) Chelidonium majus Herb-Chelidonium majus Up to 0.04 ml/Kg body weight/day orallyMother tincture(1) Abnormal liver functions
 (2) Dysponea
(2) Carduus marianus Herb-Carduus marianus Up to 0.04 ml/Kg body weight/day orallyMother tincture(1) Abnormal liver function
  (2) Cholestasis
(3) Baryta carbonica Barium carbonateUp to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1) Anaemia
  (2) Cancer-related pain
(4) Conium maculatum Herb-Conium maculatum Up to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1)Heart troubles
(2) Abnormal blood pressure
(5) Carbo animalis Animal charcoalUp to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1) Cough
(2) Constipation
(6) Bryonia alba Herb-Bryonia alba Up to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1) Dysponea
(2) Cancer-related pain
(7) Medorrhinum Gonorrhoeal cocciUp to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1) Abnormal blood sugar
(2) Cancer-related pain
(8) Thuja occidentalis Herb-Thuja occidentalis Up to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orallyMother tincture(1) Abdominal distension
(2) Electrolytic imbalance
(9) Cholesterinum CholesterineUp to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1) Abnormal liver function
(2) Cholestasis
(10) Lycopodium clavatum Herb-Lycopodium clavatum Up to 0.02 ml/Kg body weight/day orally200c(1) Abdominal distension
(2) Cancer-related pain

c → Centesimal potency of homeopathy.