Original Article

Black Cohosh Hepatic Safety: Follow-Up of 107 Patients Consuming a Special Cimicifuga racemosa rhizome Herbal Extract and Review of Literature

Table 2

Follow up of patients assuming Cimicifuga.


Physical examination
 BMI28.5 (SD 0.71)
 Blood pressure
  systolic125 (SD 7.07)
  diastolic75 (SD 21.21)
Heart rate76.5 (SD 0.71)
Few patients (9/107) were suffering of minor complaints, that revalued after 1 month did not show any sign of liver disease
 Abdominal pain5 (4.6%)
 Paresthesias3 (2.8%)
 Fatigue2 (1.8%)
 Anorexia1 (0.9%)
 Myalgia1 (0.9%)
 Malaise1 (0.9%)
 Pruritus1 (0.9%)
 Skin rash0
Laboratory findings
 Leukocyte total count4250 mm3 (SD 1060)
 Bilirubin0.75 mg dl−1 (SD 0.07)
 AST29.5 IU−1 (SD 10.61)
 ALT15.5 IU l−1 (SD 17.68)
 Alkaline Phosphatase135 U l−1 (SD 63.64)
 GGT28 U l−1 (SD 7.07)
 Albumin3.75 g dl−1 (SD 0.49)
 INR1 (SD 0.14)