Original Article

Feldenkrais Method Balance Classes Improve Balance in Older Adults: A Controlled Trial

Table 3

Exploratory gait variables.

Gait variableIntervention groupControl group
BaselineRe-testChange scoreBaselineRe-testChange score

Stride length (cm)110.4 (24.3)117.56 (18.4)a7.15 (13.1)120.8 (22.1)121.3 (19.6)0.50 (8.5)b
Cadence (steps/min)110.16 (11.2)116.30 (10.0)a6.14 (7.7)109.49 (11.6)110.57 (11.73)1.08 (6.2)b
Double support time (percentage of cycle)24.18 (4.7)23.33 (3.7) 0.85 (2.8)24.08 (3.4)23.41 (3.5)a 0.67 (1.6)
Variability of step length (coefficient of variability)5.10 (2.2)4.50 (2.4)0.00 (2.4)4.92 (3.8)4.08 (3.2) 0.32 (2.7)

All values are means (SDs), except those describing stride length which are medians (inter-quartile ranges).
aA significant difference found within a group between baseline and re-testing.
bA significant difference found between Control and Intervention groups.